motoChecker v3

Well, v3 is done and tested added support for stored validations.

This version has more Dewbacks so you know it’s better!

Git Hub repo is the same as before

Matt suggested I change the name to motoChecker. Since my last name is Motacek. I like it. DONE!

I’ve spent all day on documentation for it and I’m bored with writing now. I’ve learned a few things, though…

Content revised… my hate for SharePoint faded after I asked someone smarter than me to teach me how to use the damn thing.

It’s ok now.

MotoValidation 2.0

V2.1 is out!

It’s been a while since I’ve posted something on my blog but it’s also been a while since I was working on something that I felt worth sharing.

I’m proud to present motoValidation v2 a big improvement to my original creation.  The goal of this script is to limit the amount of code that a developer must write in order to accomplish common validation use cases in IBM BPM platform.  This script is currently targeted for Heritage coaches only… I’m not sure if I like client side coaches yet… I’m sure they’ll grow on me but they need some serious stuff before I’ll consider them usable.

With motoValidation we make some assumptions:

  • The most common type of validation is a required field
  • The target for your validation is the same as the binding
  • We should not make developers provide redundant information over and over (if I have to type tw.whatever.thing.thing.thing one more time I’m gonna snap…)
  • Validation should require as little code as possible

Get it from Git

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Visibility in Lists with a Simple Script

For those occasions where you find yourself creating complex objects that are lists where you need control visibility here is a simple script that will save you a lot of headache.

I came across this needing while working with a list of locations on a project.  The objects were to complex for a table and needed to be dynamic enough to allow end users to easily add additional locations.  What I did was create a Section and bind it to my location list.  Then I proceed to put my various sub fields and sub-objects into that section.  Then at the bottom I put a couple of buttons that fired boundary events to add and delete items to my list.  Simple right?


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Installing and configuring IBM Business Process Manager on Windows 2012 R2 for Development

Starting my new job at Blue 2.0 and my supervisor gave me a little challenge… to get BPM installed.  Turns out it’s a little bit of a process and I’ve already had to start over once so I thought I’d document my process here.  I’ve decided to use Windows 2012 R2 as my development environment, I’d expect that most IT departments (that are windows based) are going to want to use the newest version of Windows Server so I figure why not make my development environment match a common deployment environment (I’d be interested to see the deployment numbers for base OS for this technology but that’s another day).  You can get a free 180 day evaluation copy of 2012 here: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/evalcenter/evaluate-windows-server-2012-r2-essentials?i=1.  I’m using the Essentials package so I don’t have to configure absolutely everything.  I’ve installed the server on my VirtualBox VM already and gone through the initial config.  For this virtual box you’ll need at least 40GB of HD space.

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